Class Gifts to Walla Walla University
Each year’s graduating class presents Walla Walla University with a gift as a token of appreciation. Below is a list of currently known class gifts. If you have questions or wish to share information about a class gift, email Alumni and Advancement Services at or call (800) 377-2586.
Class Year | Gift | 50-year Celebration Gift |
1892 | Unknown | |
1893 | Unknown | |
1894 | Unknown | |
1895 | Unknown | |
1896 | Unknown | |
1897 | Unknown | |
1898 | Unknown | |
1899 | Unknown | |
1900 | Unknown | |
1901 | Unknown | |
1902 | Unknown | |
1903 | Unknown | |
1904 | Unknown | |
1905 | Unknown | |
1906 | Unknown | |
1907 | Unknown | |
1908 | B J Cady's Field of Fiji * | |
1909 | Elder Owens' Field of Honduras * | |
1910 | Unknown | |
1911 | Unknown | |
1912 | Unknown | |
1913 | Unknown | |
1914 | Unknown | |
1915 | Drinking Fountain * | |
1916 | Unknown | |
1917 | Unknown | |
1918 | Gate Posts at Entrance to College * | |
1919 | Lights for the old Chapel * | |
1920 | Gift to Emergency Project in India * | |
1921 | Concrete Steps at Entrance * | |
1922 | Rail & Foot Curtain for the old Chapel * | |
1923 | WWC Sign above Ad Building * | |
1924 | Clock for Library in the Ad Building * | |
1925 | Lights for Clock in Library in Ad Building * | |
1926 | Unknown | |
1927 | Lights for Music Conservatory Auditorium * | |
1928 | Drinking Fountain on main floor Ad Building * | |
1929 | Unknown | |
1930 | Landscaped Fish Pool * | |
1931 | Curtains for screen in old Chapel * | |
1932 | Unknown | |
1933 | Footlights for old Chapel * | |
1934 | Unknown | |
1935 | Pongee Backdrops for the old Chapel * | |
1936 | Pulpit for Chapel at North end of Ad Building * | |
1937 | Lights at Entrance of Columbia Auditorium * | |
1938 | Fountains side entrances at Columbia Auditorium * | |
1939 | Pulpit/Chair for Platform in Columbia Auditorium * | |
1940 | Lamp Post by steps at Conard Hall Crosswalk * | |
1941 | Directory Board for Ad Building * | |
1942 | Clock with blue light for Columbia Auditorium * | |
1943 | Picture for the Library * | |
1944 | German Bible for the Library showcase * | |
1945 | Bronze Lamp Posts for Conard Hall Entrance * | |
1946 | Traffic Light for Conard Hall Crossing * | |
1947 | Drinking Fountain at Library Entrance * | |
1948 | Triangular WWC Sign by bird bath Front Campus* | |
1949 | Steps at end of Hello Walk and sign lights for HW * | |
1950 | Fountain at N Campus Bird baths at N/Front Campus and Two clocks for Ad Building Library Chapel * | Jesus Among Us Sculpture |
1951 | Fountain and Backstop on the Playground * | CTC Communication Equipment |
1952 | Platform Drapes in Columbia Auditorium * | Bowers Hall Study Patio |
1953 | Cash gift to provide furniture for the rostrum of the new church presented to Heubach | Annual Fund Gift |
1954 | Scholarship | Religion Classroom in ad building |
1955 | Gift to Student Financial Aid | Class 1955 Endowment |
1956 | School flag | Endowed Scholarship |
1957 | Auto Page Drive-up Book Return for Library | Student Aid Grant |
1958 | Gift to Student Financial Aid | Bronze Medallion for Centennial Green and gifts to class loan fund |
1959 | Campus Drinking Fountain | Student Missions Endowed Scholarship |
1960 | Unknown | Student Missions Endowed Scholarship |
1961 | Gift to Student Financial Aid | Student Missions Endowed Scholarship |
1962 | Five lamps and posts in front of Church | Rosario Cabin |
1963 | Swimming Pool Fund/Small Rock Table in SAC | Rosario Cabin Renovation |
1964 | Mosaic of College Seal for Library | Library Mosaic Replacement (in progress) Library Boardroom Refurbish |
1965 | Gift to Student Financial Aid | Class of 1965 Endowment |
1966 | Gift to Student Financial Aid/2 paintings in Library | Library Refresh: Stack Study Areas |
1967 | Lettering for Tausick Pool sign | Pedestrian Pathway between Bowers and Fine Arts Center |
1968 | Metal Modern Sculpture in front of Kretschmar Hall | Memorial Scholarship Endowment |
1969 | Paintings and clock for SAC | Student Life and Ministry Center Meeting Room (in progress) |
1970 | Aquarium and gift to Student Missionary Fund | Endowed Scholarship |
1971 | Book Purchasing Fund | Endowed Scholarship |
1972 | Unknown | Student Life and Ministry Center Meeting Room (in progress) |
1973 | Fireplace for ASWWC Lodge and Missionary Volunteer (MV) work in Ethiopia | Student Life and Ministry Center Meeting Room (in progress) |
1974 | Unknown | Student Life and Ministry Center Meeting Room (in progress) |
1975 | Water fountain for new addition to the College Church installed in 1985 | |
1976 | Unknown | |
1977 | Unknown | |
1978 | Combined funds with 1979 class to give College Sign | |
1979 | Combined funds with 1978 class to give College Sign | |
1980 | Unknown | |
1981 | Landscaping around Havstad Alumni Center | |
1982 | Gift to Student Financial Aid | |
1983 | Gift to Student Financial Aid | |
1984 | Gift to Student Financial Aid | |
1985 | Gift to Student Financial Aid | |
1986 | Gift to Student Financial Aid | |
1987 | Gift to Student Financial Aid | |
1988 | Gift to Student Financial Aid | |
1989 | Ed Zaugg Memorial Fund for Student Scholarships | |
1990 | Renovation of Portico on the Front of the Ad Build | |
1991 | Centennial Garden south of the Life Science Center | |
1992 | Center Stage behind the Library | |
1993 | Billy Budd Bronze Sculpture in front of Library | |
1994 | HPE Tennis Court lighting | |
1995 | Chimes for College Church organ | |
1996 | Endowed Scholarship Fund | |
1997 | Covered Picnic Table Outside Kellogg Hall | |
1998 | Christian Aid Center(CAC) | |
Campus Signage | ||
Directory in Village Hall Lobby | ||
1999 | Stained Glass pieces for windows in College Church | |
2000 | Clock for lawn outside FAC | |
2001 | WW County housing authority CAC playground for migrant worker area | |
2002 | Ad Building sign | |
2003 | Scholarship Endowment | |
2004 | Teri Kuhlman Athletics Center - Ad Building Pillars Restoration | |
2005 | Ad Building Lobby Lighting - Bibles for College Church | |
2006 | Mountain Rents - Rose Garden at Rigby | |
2007 | University Monument Sign | |
2008 | Campus Bench/ City of College Place sign | |
2009 | SM Endowed Scholarship | |
2010 | Student Center - Atlas House | |
2011 | Class of 2011 Shari Booth Endowed Scholarship | |
2012 | Class of 2012 Endowed Scholarship | |
2013 | Library Collaborative Study Room | |
2014 | Class of 2014 Endowed Scholarship - Library Mosaic Renovation and Stack Study Areas (in progress) | |
2015 | Plaza between Meske & Village Halls | |
2016 | Library Refresh: Stack Study area renovation | |
2017 | Class of 2017 Merit Award Endowment | |
2018 | Path around the athletic fields | |
2019 | Climbing wall enhancement | |
2020 | Furniture for White Family Terrace | |
2021 | Pickleball added to the tennis courts | |
2022 | Class of 2022 Endowed Scholarship | |
2023 | Student Life & Ministry Center project | |
2024 | WEC Davis street lighting |